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Pod Cast: Arcadis invite Richard Hyams to talk about modular construction

Faster, Better Homes

Would you buy a home built in a factory? ​The scale of the housing crisis is well-documented; we all know the UK needs more homes. But what if there was a faster way to build better, more eco-friendly housing? ​This episode looks at whether modular, construction – in which homes are built in a factory and then assembled on site - could be the answer? And if it is the panacea we’ve been looking for, why aren’t all our homes being built in this way?

In this pod cast Arcadis challenge some of the biggest misconceptions around modular development. From embedding new skills to solving societal issues around deprivation and housing poverty, asking to what extent modular development could change how we build our homes, now and in the future? ​Guests speakers : Ben Adams from Arcadis, Jez Sweetland from Bristol Housing Festival, Richard Hyams from astudio Architects, Richard Brown, Centre for London and soundbites from Harriet Harriss at the Pratt School of Architecture, NYC.

Catch the Pod Cast here.

Find out more about our modular housing here.
